auspicious shirt2024

The belief in auspicious shirts is a belief that has been passed down for a long time.
By believing that the color of the clothes can affect each person’s fortune, so
Choosing a auspicious shirt to suit the birthday and the purpose of the horoscope is something that many people focus on


Annual auspicious shirt2024

in 2024
It is the year of the Dragon according to Feng Shui principles. The auspicious color of this year is emerald green.
Symbol of growth and vitality

In additionThere are still auspicious colors of each person’s birthday.As follows

Birthday auspicious shirt
Sunday Red orange
Monday Blue
Light green blue
Tuesday yellow, orange, brown
Wednesday lunch Pink, purple, blue
Wednesday night Black, purple, brown
Thursday Purple emerald green
Friday Blue Emerald Green
Saturday purpleOrange

Duang shirt color

In addition to the auspicious shirtThere are also colors that are believed to be a color pulling.
Which includes black, brown, dark purple, pork blood and khaki

The selection of auspicious shirts

Choosing the right color shirt
Should be considered based on the purpose of the horoscope as
If wanting to enhance the work of workShould choose auspicious colors to enhance the work
If wanting to enhance financial horoscopesShould choose auspicious shirts to supplement financial fortune
For example,

In addition
Should choose auspicious colors to suit their own titles and personality as well
Should not choose the color of the shirt that is flashy or too strange
Because it may not be professional or seen as a taste.

Beliefs about auspicious shirts are personal beliefs

Beliefs about auspicious shirts are personal beliefs.
Depends on the faith of each person
Those who believe in this matter may choose to wear auspicious colors to suit the birthday and the purpose they want to enhance their horoscopes.
To enhance and encourage yourself.

Those who do not believe in this matter do not need to wear auspicious shirts.
Because the shirt color does not affect the horoscope directly
The important thing is to choose clothes that are right for yourself and the time is enough.

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