1. Turn off the air circulation system inside the car

The air circulation system inside the car will help prevent outside air from entering the car.
But it may cause the accumulation of musty odors and unwanted odors.
If wanting to drain the car in the car without having to reduce the glass
Turn off the air circulation system in the car first.

  1. Open the air box in “Fresh Air”

There are 2 main air conditioners, “Fresh Air” and
“Recirculated Air” position “Fresh Air” will help the outside air enter the car.
As for the position of “Recirculated Air”, it will help the air inside the car to reuse.
Therefore, if wanting to drain the car in the carTo open the air in place. “Fresh
Air “

  1. Adjust the strength of the fan to a high level

The strength of the fan will increase the air flow inside the car.
Which will help to drain the scent better, so
Adjust the strength of the fan to a high level.

  1. Open air or heater

Open air or heater will help chase moisture in the air.
Which will help reduce the accumulation of fungi and bacteria that are the cause of musty odor

  1. Use odor spray or air -conditioned perfume

If there is still a musty odor or an unpleasant odor
Use the smell of odor or air -conditioned perfume to help deodorize.
But should be used only to prevent the accumulation of chemicals in the air.

  1. Regularly clean the inside of the car

Regular cleaning of the car will help prevent the accumulation of fungal dust.
Bacteria and dirtWhich is the cause of musty odors and odors
Therefore should be cleaned inside the car at least once a week.

Categories: automobile


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