How to modify the car battery.How to do it with an emergency battery

  1. Check the car battery conditions
    • Open the car bonnet and find the car battery.Usually the battery is worn out in front of the car or the back of the car
    • Check it.Is there a rust stain in the battery terminal?Is the wire connected to the battery? If the battery is worn, the battery may be changed.
  2. Automotive Cleaner
    • Use a wire brush to clean the battery terminal thoroughly
    • Battery if there is a white green stain
      Remove the terminal and dissolve it using hot water.
    • Wipe dry with a clean cloth
  3. Prevent battery jump
    • The red battery gets a jump to the anode and starts (+) Running car battery
    • Then the other side of the cable
      Get the end to the anode (+).Car battery help
    • Connect the black battery connection to the negative electrode (-)
      Car battery help
    • Then connect the other to 1-2 car frames.Feet from the battery
    • Make sure the battery jump is firmly attached to the battery terminal and the car frame.
  4. Start a car that will help you
    • Start the car and help for a while.
    • When the car succeeds, then the car starts the car.
      Remove the battery jump in the reverse order of the line
  5. For about 30 minutes

    • Allowed to be charged the car battery

Categories: automobile


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