How to Install a Deer Fence to Keep Wildlife Out of the Garden

In today’s comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to install a deer fence that not only safeguards your beautiful garden but also keeps wildlife, particularly deer, at bay. If you’ve ever had your garden ravaged by hungry deer, you know how frustrating it can be. These graceful yet troublesome creatures can decimate your plants and flowers in no time. Fortunately, a well-constructed deer fence can be your garden’s savior. Let’s dive into the process and ensure your garden remains a lush and thriving sanctuary.

Choosing the Right Materials

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Selecting the Right Fence Type

To build an effective deer fence, you need to start with the right materials. The first decision to make is the type of fence you want to install. There are several options available, including metal, polypropylene, and wooden fences. Each has its pros and cons.

  • Metal Fences: Sturdy and long-lasting, metal fences are a great choice. They come in various styles, from chain-link to ornamental designs. Consider these if you’re looking for durability and security.
  • Polypropylene Fences: These fences are lightweight and affordable. They are also relatively easy to install. However, they might not be as long-lasting as metal or wooden options.
  • Wooden Fences: Wooden fences can add a touch of natural beauty to your garden while serving as an effective deer deterrent. They require more maintenance but can be an excellent choice for aesthetics.

Fence Height and Mesh Size

When it comes to keeping deer out, height matters. A standard deer fence should be at least 7 to 8 feet tall. Deer are excellent jumpers, and a taller fence is more likely to deter them. Additionally, consider the mesh size of your fence. A 2×2-inch mesh is a suitable choice, as it prevents deer from pushing their snouts through.

Preparing the Ground

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Clearing Vegetation

Before you start installing the fence, it’s essential to clear the area around your garden. Remove any tall grass, bushes, or other vegetation that might serve as a launching pad for deer. A clean, open space around the garden will make it more challenging for deer to approach.

Marking the Fence Line

Mark the perimeter where you plan to install the deer fence. You can use stakes and string to create a clear line for your installation. Make sure the area you enclose encompasses your entire garden and any potential entry points.

Installing the Deer Fence

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Setting the Fence Posts

The next step is to install fence posts along the marked perimeter. The posts should be spaced 10 to 12 feet apart. Dig holes for the posts that are at least 2 feet deep to ensure stability. Insert the posts and secure them with concrete for added support.

Attaching the Fence Material

Once the posts are securely in place, it’s time to attach the chosen fence material. If you’ve selected a polypropylene or metal fence, use appropriate connectors and fasteners to secure the material to the posts. Wooden fences may require more carpentry work, including nailing or screwing the material in place.

Adding a Tension Wire

For extra support and to prevent deer from pushing the fence down, consider adding a tension wire at the top of the fence. This wire runs along the entire length and helps keep the fence upright and sturdy.

Gates and Entry Points

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Installing Garden Gates

To access your garden, you’ll need a gate. Install a sturdy garden gate with a latch for easy entry and exit. Make sure the gate is secure and aligns with the rest of the fence to maintain its effectiveness.

Securing Entry Points

Deer are clever creatures, and they might try to find weak spots in your fence. Secure all entry points, such as gates and corners, to prevent any breaches. Regularly inspect and maintain these areas to ensure your fence remains intact.

Maintaining Your Deer Fence

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Regular Inspections

To keep your deer fence in optimal condition, conduct regular inspections. Look for signs of wear and tear, loose posts, or damage caused by external forces like falling branches. Promptly address any issues to maintain the fence’s effectiveness.

Vegetation Control

Continue to control the vegetation around your garden. Trim any overhanging branches or tall grass that could provide deer with access points to your garden.


In conclusion, installing a deer fence is an effective way to protect your garden from wildlife, especially deer. By choosing the right materials, preparing the ground, and following the installation steps, you can enjoy a flourishing garden without the constant threat of deer damage. Regular maintenance and vigilance are key to ensuring your fence remains a formidable barrier. With a well-constructed deer fence in place, you can finally enjoy your garden’s beauty without worry.


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