Step 1: Prepare devices




  1. New air filter suitable for your car
  2. Rench or driver
  4. Prug

Step 2: Search for air filters

  1. Check the manual of the car.In general, air filter
  2. The air filter is in the engine room to find the position of

  3. .Near the engine
  4. may be hidden behind the plastic cover

[3X1000] Step 3:
Delete old air filters and new air filters

  1. Loosen the screws or screws that hold the plastic cover.Remove the cover
  2. Take out the old air filter carefully.
  3. Wipe the air filter area with lag
  4. Add a new air filter to the same position.
  5. Close the plastic cover and tighten the screw or screws.

Other recommendations

  • You need to change all air filters.15,000-30,000 kilometers
  • The service life of the regular change engine of the air filter will be useful to save fuel

Categories: automobile


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