How to make beautiful skin single -way

Howto Skin

Howto Skin

This is one of these
What many people want to have beautiful skin.Regardless of the beautiful skin aging genre
Means white skin.It refers to smooth and shiny skin without
Dark circle.Beautiful skin is the consistency he is caused by treatment. 1.
Wash your face carefully

The face is the most important basic stage to cleanse the skin.Opposite to
With keeping the skin clean, dust, dust and excessive oil, it is the cause of the lane
Dull skin, so you have to wash your face twice a day.Wash your face adapted
With skin condition

2. Skin brush a week one week

Skin scrub helps exfoliate old cells
Play skin.Remember your smooth skin, you must choose a grinding product
Tuong.ou Aloe Veranes should not be strong because they can cause skin irritation.

3. Applying skin cream

You apply skin cream, moisture on the skin.
It is necessary to choose a skin cream containing vitamin C from vitamin E. or light
The morning of the glutathi circuits, it will help increase

4. Pressure
Use the daily screen

Sunlight is
An important cause of dull skin and dark spots.Constant, pressure
Use the line screen every day in front of the sun. To avoid attack

5. Drink 8 clean water a day

Drink a lot
Clean water helps skin wet, healthy and shiny.Avoid drinking
Fresh water you should drink eight clean water every day.OU alcohol

6. Rest enough

The rest will be enough to help muscle
Can eat and create new skin cells. Give your skin shiny and healthy
Strong and sleep for more than 7 to 8 hours a day.

7. Eat
Drink useful food

Eating useful food will help help
Your skin has essential nutrients for treatment.Contains vitamin C,
Vitamin E and beta-carotene, such as fruits and vegetables.Poisson, Ngu
Coc, etc.

plus the secret

  • Avoid sunlight for a long time
  • Wearing clothes to protect sunlight such as hats, sunglasses and umbrellas
  • If this toxin destroys the skin,

This will
Help you clean, healthy when necessary


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