Before ceived: Understand the deep world of the bad guys

Know the bad guys

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“Bad people,” most people will think of those who break the law or violate social discipline.However, in fact, the world of bad guys and men
It has many complex characteristics to take you to explore this world deeply.

Mechanism of the temptation of the bad guys

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Use of emotional enhancement technology

Valids often use emotional enhancements to attract victims.
We propose delicate words and good ideas.

Select a contact format

Valids often choose the form of contact that makes the victim happy and impressive.To be confident and cautious of victims.

Prevention method

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Intellectual and correct decision

This is one of the important ways to prevent the bad guys to understand the eyes used.
Correct intelligence and decision can help reduce the opportunity to be victims.Skills to protect themselves and learn high intelligence are stable in the victims themselves.
And paying attention to the risk situation can help you feel confident and safety.


1.How did the bad guys defeat the victims?To seduce the victims to attract the victims.

What is the preventive method of being fooled by a bad guy?

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Increasing stability and additional research on bad guys is an important way to prevent it.


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